Saturday, October 16, 2010

Anacapa Fog by Southern California Artist, Marian Fortunati

Anacapa Fog
Marian Fortunati
8"x6" Oil on RayMar Canvas Panel

$100 + s/h
If you are interested in owning this small format scene contact me by clicking this link HERE.

It was our last day of the Channel Islands Adventure.   We were heading toward a safe harbor off of Anacapa Island because the usual harbor for Anacapa had been closed by the National Parks due to safety issues.  
Fog Approaching Anacapa

Many years earlier I remember going ashore on Anacapa with my daughter.  We explored several sea caves and walked across the small isthmus.  I was a bit disappointed that we would be going ashore but there were many good things to come.   As we traveled along the beautiful coast of the island, I kept hearing the fog horns and really didn't think too much about it other than thinking that there must be many unseen rocks in the area.  As we rounded the tip of the island, I looked up and saw a beautiful lighthouse -- the guardian of the islands.

We got to our "sweet spot" and began to settle in when so did the fog!  We were soon totally surrounded by fog ... so much so that we could hardly see anything at all.  I guess that was what all of those fog horns were trying to tell us!

I decided to try to paint anyway.  Greys within greys ... -A hint of rocks and waves with sea lions in the water.  It was a sort of a challenge.  I was almost finished when a ray of sun penetrated the fog and created a lovely rainbow.

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