Sunday, October 24, 2010

California Landscape - Arched Beauty by Southern California Artist, Marian Fortunati

Arched Beauty on Santa Cruz
© Marian Fortunati
12" x 9" Oil on RayMar Linen Panel

Isn't it amazing how you can get up fresh and full of great plans in the morning and suddenly before you know it the day has passed and there are still things to do....  Not to mention getting there where you belong in front of the easel!

Yesterday my plan was to make my final decisions about entries into two shows, fix the jpgs so they meet the specifications in the calls for entries (WHY ARE THEY ALWAYS ALL DIFFERENT???) and get them on to CDs, fill out the paperwork, write the checks and get them into the mail.   It sounds so simple but it took most of the morning and then some.

I had planned to fit those "small" tasks in to the morning before taking Tyler to his karate class and his Halloween party.  Then I was going to try to sneak in a quickie plein air session while he was at the party.

DIDN'T HAPPEN...   Sigh...  I should have known that EVERYTHING takes longer than it should.   The good news is I did finish all the paperwork, jpg resizing and CD burning and got my entries in the mail.  I finished framing the paintings I wanted to submit to a show today but I never got to go out and paint.  

The best I could manage was a tiny nocturne moonrise painting.   I can see the moonrise in the eastern sky early in the evening.  Then later in the night I can see the moon set in the western sky from the other side of my house.    The painting is pretty weak so I won't post it, but it was kind of fun to do it.  I see wonderful nocturnes that other people do, but mine are NOT among them.

I spent all of this morning helping out with the take-in for a local art exhibition with one of my clubs.  I love seeing all the work when it comes in.  I am always in awe at the different way we all see things... such a variety of topics, media and style.  I love it.   Several people brought in paintings that they had done during our club's paint outs.   Although they were from the same place, they too were totally different.   I'm doing this post and hoping I don't get called to come pick up a non-juried in painting.   I should know within the hour.  Keep your fingers crossed for me.

The painting I am posting here is one I really really like.   Sometimes, --I'm not sure why, paintings just come out "special" and I think this was one of them.   This is a scene of one of the many arches along Santa Cruz Island in the Channel Islands.   I feel like I should name it "Dog's Head Arch" because I can see the head of a dog in the shape of the opening...  but I know that's not really the name of the arch.

If you would like to find out more information about this painting please click this link HERE.

In the meantime...  I've been thinking about how all of us need to savor our moments and enjoy each of them.  I am and I hope you are too!! 

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