Monday, October 18, 2010

Channel Islands Goodby by Southern California Artist, Marian Fortunati

Farewell Anacapa
© Marian Fortunati
8" x 10" Oil on RayMar Linen Panel

Email me if you are interested in this owning this little painting  by clicking this link HERE.

Although our last day off of Anacapa on the Channel Islands started out absolutely shrouded in fog... so much that I was afraid we would end the trip with a total white out .. after the morning began to wane so did the fog.  By noon the fog had lifted and the day was gorgeous.

I joined several others out in the kayaks and enjoyed the sea lions cavorting with one another.  In the video clips, the sea lions were following Rich Brimer all over the place.  My friend, Diane Nelson-Gold was waving to you.  (Sorry about cutting everyone's heads off... it was hard to handle the camera and the kayak at the same time.) Because everyone wanted to use the kayaks, I came in and tried to drag that ridiculously tight wet suit up then jumped in the with sea lions.   WHAT an experience!!!   Those little creatures would swim right up to us and look into our masks... just as curious about us as we were about them.   As they swam together under the water, it was almost as if they were doing a ballet underwater----- beautiful!


It was just a fabulous experience to top all of the others.

I came in and painted until our boat had to leave Anacapa to head for the mainland.   Goodbye islands...  See you soon to all of my new freinds. 

After we dragged all of our gear off the boat and headed our separate ways, we each separately saw our own gorgeous storm cloud filled sunset.   It was as if there was a big sunset in the sky saying
"Until we meet again!"

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