Thursday, November 4, 2010

Casual Family Portraits by Southern California Artist Marian Fortunati

Cherished Moment
© Marian Fortunati
14" x 11" Oil on RayMar Linen Panel

I haven't done any figurative work in a while and realized while painting it that I enjoy the challenge.  I have an artist friend name Scott Kiche' who often paints his family members and those paintings are exquisite.  I was inspired when I looked at the way he handled a painting of his wife that was hanging at VIVA gallery recently.   I've got a long way to go to get to his level, but I was happy with my effort.  It's always nice to be able to capture a special feeling or moment in time.  Tyler is growing up very fast.  -- right now he's off at camp and I'm sure he's having the time of his life.

I hope you all have an opportunity to cherish your moments.

Contact me HERE if you are interested in commissioning a painting of a cherished moment.

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