Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Reflecting by Southern California Artist, Marian Fortunati

© Marian Fortunati
9"x 12" Oil on RayMar Canvas Panel


I wasn't sure whether to title this plein air study "Reflecting" or "Reflections".  What actually drew my eye to the scene were the reflections in the water, but the discussion I had with my friend, Diane Nelson Gold, who met me at the Sepulveda Basin Wildlife Reserve has made me do a lot of reflecting about painting, life and how we celebrate what we value.   It was a gorgeous day.  The fall colors were beginning to come out.  It was warm and beautiful and we saw so many absolutely fabulous birds -- heron, egret, cormorants, ducks.  I also believe we saw several turkey vultures, an osprey and a bird I didn't recognize.   I just looked it up and I'll post the picture of what I THINK it is below.   (Check it out Diane... was this the bird??  It sort of looks like that but I was thinking it had a white head....?? )   All and all between conversation, a beautiful setting, a fun time painting and discussing painting and reflecting...  it was a day to treasure.

Sepulveda Wildlife Lake in winter
Halloween and Related Associations
I rushed home after painting and made it in time to see Tyler and his classmates for the last of his elementary school Halloween parades.   (OMG.. how quickly they grow up!!)  Tyler, of course, was all about celebrating Halloween in the American tradition... with the costumes and the door knocking and the scary gory stuff ... and of course with the candy.   A friend of mine, Michael Immel, who is teaching in Korea, is on Facebook.  He started posting about teaching the kids to dance to "Thriller" to celebrate Halloween.  I wondered if they even know what Halloween is. 

Sabine Gull
Celebrations in Mexico - Frank Gardner and John Paul Thornton
Then another friend, Frank Gardner, who lives in Mexico started posting information about El Dia De Los Muertos.   He posted a video clip and wonderful painting he is showing at M Gallery and other photos including "dead bread" or pan muerto.  And, to top it off on Saturday night, I went to a fabulous show opening at La Galeria Gitana with the theme of "Celebrating Our Mexican Heritage".  Much of the work in the show revolved around El Dia De Los Muertos.   By the way.. that show features some phenomenal art by my friend, mentor and first teacher, John Paul Thornton.   If you get a chance... go see the show.. you will LOVE all of the work -- I especially loved John Paul's processional paintings.  Fabulous!!

All Saints' Day
Today is All Saints' Day.  I think, somehow, our American Halloween stems from this religious day.  Today and all weekend I've thought about life and how short it is and how we need to celebrate each moment and value those we have with us before they (or we) pass from this life.   Over the weekend... I worked on a painting of the two guys who are so important in my life  -- My husband, Gastone and my little guy, Tyler.  We are lucky to share a bit of time together.  -- More about this on a later post.

Hope you like my Reflections as well as my reflecting.   Contact me HERE for more information about the plein air study....  (or anything else!)

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