Tuesday, May 24, 2011

A Cool Mountain Pool - Small Format Intimate Landscape by Marian Fortunati

A Cool Mountain Pool
© Marian Fortunati
8"x10" Oil on Canvas
I've been pretty much attached at the hip (pun intended) with my husband since his surgery.  Happily, all has gone well and I think the worst is over for him.   It has been a week and a half since the surgeons inserted a new hip and he's walking around with a crutch now.  Of course, he still has some pain and needs to continue to be careful.  He can't drive for several more weeks, so he's not as independent as he'd like, but all is looking good.  The absolutely ugly black bruise which extended from his butt down his leg to his ankle is beginning to turn interesting shades of purple, green and even yellow.  Isn't it amazing?   We are really blessed!

While he's resting, I've tried to paint some.  It's been tough between fetching things and running downstairs to check when I hear him groaning on the baby monitor, but painting relaxes me. I decided to try to paint rocks under water.  I also wanted to catch the way the sun made patterns of light and shade on the rocks above the water.  If you have read much of my blog, you know about me and my rock phobia.  But I've always wanted to try the underwater rocks and while browsing around in magazines and on the Internet, I've seen some absolutely fabulous artists' work that inspired me.  I however, seemed to find the job quite difficult when I started.  It's amazing how subtle variations in value can convey the look of stones covered with water.  I started with the thought of layering the paint using transparent paint.  I finally achieved close to the look I wanted but because I used a regular stretched canvas, I was a bit unhappy with the way the weave of the canvas showed.  I have gotten used to using thicker paint which covers much of the woven quality of canvas.  I finally added even more layers and ended up with a pool that looked quite a bit like the beautiful pool in the creek where I had painted several weeks back up in Montecito. 

I hope none of you have experienced the horrendous hardships caused by the recent flooding and tornadoes that have plagued our country.  It seems that no matter what our circumstances, nature is the great leveler.  Be well and stay safe. 

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