Monday, August 8, 2011


Why do I paint? Painting is to artists what play is to a child. Children play for no other reason than the pure enjoyment of it, with no thought of payment. It is something they would do for nothing.

Painting, like the play of children, allows an artist to see things as if for the first time. The beauty of the world is brought into focus. It becomes an escape into joyfulness.

This tiny 4x5-inch study is an example of that. It’s a quick little painting done at the conclusion of a Plein Air Workshop this weekend.

There is no moral here, nor timeless message. It was done for no other reason than the simple sensory pleasure of playing with my paints.

This corner of a red-tiled roof, sunlight glinting off a window pane and palm trees waving gently in the balmy breeze were just my excuse to play with sparkling colors. And perhaps capture the spirit of the moment, to relive it at another time. It was done for fun.

I hope you find time for play in your day. Thanks for looking, and if you’d like this little jewel with its sparkling colors email me at:

Check my eBay auctions too:

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