Tuesday, July 24, 2012

A Field Of White - Floral Painting by Marian Fortunati

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additional details.

Arlington Gardens in the spring is always just a slice of heaven. 
Around each turn of the path is another breathtaking tableau.

When is white really white? 
I love painting the flowers from Arlington Gardens.  They are always so spectacular.  I painted this a while back and then "sat on it".  

Learning from many sources
I was just reading Robert Genn's recent post (HERE) which talks about the positive attribute of procrastination.  He called it "managing delay".  As I continue along on my painting journey, I am beginning to really internalize the value of letting paintings simmer.   I still have a very long way to go to develop the POSITIVES of this particular attribute.   Just yesterday during a thread of conversation with David Gallup in class, he talked about how he works on some of his paintings for months.  He'll paint a bit using layers of thick blended paint and let it dry enough to either scrape with a palette knife (sort of dry work) or sand off (VERY dry work).   He doesn't necessarily do this because he's painted a passage that he doesn't like, but because it is yet another way to develop the texture that one so enjoys in his work.   As the layers of paint come off, they leave different colors below which will show through the upper layers that he will lay in later.   Honestly I am a LONG way from that...   But one day I would love to have that as another tool to strengthen my work.

Are we ever "done"?  -- Should we be?
Right now I'm just talking about waiting a bit to see what needs to be tweaked, corrected or noodled before saying a particular piece is "done".   When I first painted these white irises, I painted them mostly white.  I liked what I had done.  I was happy with the dark/light notan of the piece and thought it read fairly well.   But then (again in David's class) I painted the abalone (click HERE).   I don't know why it hadn't dawned on me that white isn't really white.  I mean I KNEW that... but... sigh.

Anyway I went back and revisited this painting and tried to strengthen it by making the whites not really white.   I MAY have to procrastinate a bit more and revisit it again later, but for now...   here is "A Field Of White".

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