Saturday, September 1, 2012

Carrillo Cove - Plein Air with Imagination Added by Marian Fortunati

Carrillo Cove - plein air and imagination!

Leo Carrillo State Beach Park has become a favorite spot for painting en plein air especially when the valley temperatures are in the three digit range.   I try to go there as often as I can and each time I go, I see it differently and paint it differently.

I made any number of changes to this plein air study.  My original waves just didn't look right and the colors were too muddy in the water...   So I worked on it and now I like it a lot more!!   I've been told more than once than I'm creating... not copying...  So I did a little inventing.

Click here for additional details on the painting, "Carrillo Cove".

The Daily Art Show
My website host, Fine Art Studio Online (FASO), does many things to both help artists learn to better promote themselves AND to actually promote their art.   Recently I noticed upticks in the number of visits made to my website and I really couldn't figure out why.    I hadn't posted a blog.  I hadn't sent out an email.  I wasn't even messing around on facebook.

What I HAD done, however, was to upload a new painting onto my website.  After following this for a month or so, I realized that there are a surprising number of people who take a moment and browse through the art that is posted daily on FASO.   It's called "The Daily Art Show" and is often included on news, blogs and announcements that are sent out to those who sign up.  Clint and his website wonder team have added a special feature so that when you click on the tiny microthumbnail image, it is shown in a nice, viewable size on the right of the block of thumbnails along with the title, the artist's name and a link to the website.   I'd say that's a pretty special new feature for FASO.
Yesterday, for example, by 12:30 I had 30 visitors and 17 of them came from the Daily Art Show.  Now, I'm not saying that the number of viewers is translating into new collectors or anything... but it's sure pretty special, that people are at least looking!

The FASO team is continually working to help their artists.    Isn't that great???

Thanks, FASO!
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