Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Daily Painters Of California - Lily Pond Painting by Southern California Artist Marian Fortunati

© Marian Fortunati
12" x 9" Oil on Canvas Panel
$210 + s/h
If you are interested in owning this lovely little painting, please click on the following link for PayPal information.

Imagine a moment when the world is full of turmoil and your mind is awhirl.  You walk to a cool shaded spot and sit down to capture a moment of tranquility.   The koi swim peacefully around the pond keeping their eyes on you --- just in case you want to give them a treat.

There in the middle of the floating pads is a thing of beauty  -- a lovely flower reaching out toward the sun.  It is almost telling you that everything is going to be okay.  It is a place of peace and tranquility.  I have loved water lilies for a long time.  I love to search among the pads for fish and hope for a frog to pop up and say hi. 

One year when we were traveling in Mexico there were miles and miles of lilies stretching across a placid river.  We sat mesmerized by the beauty.  Then we realized that if you looked closely you could see iguanas using them as float boards to cross the river.  I'll bet you have a wonderful memory of a pond or river or lake filled with water lilies.  Wanna share?

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