Friday, December 17, 2010

Caballero Canyon Morning by Southern California Artist, Marian Fortunati

It rained yesterday and while today was mostly dry, the weatherman has told us that we won't see blue skies until sometime next week.   Although weather forecasters are often wrong.. they get the general picture pretty well most of the time, and I knew that if I didn't grab a chance to get outside and paint early in the week, I'd be out of luck.

Besides, I had family things and Christmas shopping.... and oh....  I needed to finish up the painting of Tyler that I had planned to use for our family's Christmas cards...   (Say... "pro... cras... tin...a...tion").  Today I feel pretty good about getting a few of those "to do" things marked off, but TUESDAY I escaped again into Caballero Canyon.

Tuesday I walked into the canyon early in the morning... right after I dropped Tyler off for school.  I usually hike down later in the morning, but I had been in the canyon yesterday and I couldn't wait to return.  The morning air was cool and crisp.  Many hikers were already beginning their journey down the canyon and up into the hills toward Mulholland.   The canyon walls were keeping most of the sunlight off the path and as I found my painting spot, I turned up my collar for warmth.  Soon I was caught up in the beauty of the scene.

I was surprised that there were so many hikers and bikers in the canyon... many more than I am used to down there... I guess we all wanted to enjoy it before the rains set in.  Several groups came over to see what I was doing.  Many made nice comments (although predictably when they were looking, the painting was in the "ugly teenage stage".)  None the less, I kept at it and enjoyed myself until I got hungry near lunch time.   I packed up and hiked out, figuring that I could do some fixing back at home.

Surprisingly, when I looked at it today, I decided there wasn't a whole lot I wanted to do to change it.  I worked on some of the edges but left it mostly as I had painted it on Tuesday.

I also worked on my Christmas card painting and think it's basically finished.   I'll look at it tomorrow and maybe tweak it before I photograph it and make my cards.....   WHAT....????????      I have almost a week left!!

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