Monday, December 20, 2010

Trolley Time - Urban California - by Southern California Artist Marian Fortunati

Trolley Time
© Marian Fortunati

12" x 18" Oil on Canvas

Recently I've been thinking about what I paint and why.   This has been a topic in my mind because I had committed to painting for an upcoming show which highlights the city of San Fernando where one of the galleries I've been honored to show work in is located.

San Fernando is on the opposite edge of the large San Fernando Valley from where I live.   I live near the south-west corner while the City of San Fernando is on the north-east corner.  That is one reason that my experience with the city is limited.   I had been to the mission from which the City and the Valley itself had gotten named many times and I've driven through the town any number of occasions .. and of course, I've been to the gallery many times.  But I really hadn't explored the city.  It's an old town, but it is struggling to renew itself even in these hard economic times.  One of the primary architects of the renewal just happens to own the gallery.

San Fernando is actually very small.  The mission, which spurred its initial growth, is no longer within the city's limits.  Los Angeles seems to have stolen the San Fernando Mission from the City of San Fernando!   I may, however, go to the mission (if this rain ever lets up) and paint as I know it's a beautiful spot.  As I have traveled from place to place, searching for likely spots to paint, I've come to realize that the tiny city is quite diverse with upscale neighborhoods and more working class neighborhood very close together. 

I tend to be drawn more to flowers and trees than to architecture, ... I like to paint landscapes more than urban scenes.   The urban scenes I REALLY like are more edgy ... like those of William Wray, (don't you just love his work?)  but so far I haven't figured out how to get to that point in a show highlighting the city.    So far I've painted three paintings... this is the first.  The second painting I really struggled with but finally brought to a place that I like and the most recent painting just flew off the brush and was a joy to paint (more floral... LOL).   I will probably end up painting a little of everything.... I even found some inspiration for figurative pieces.  I may try to throw a bit of edginess into future urban scenes...  We'll see how it goes.  I paint for myself, but I also like to think about what the people viewing the show would like to see.

This first painting was of the trolley that runs through the town taking San Fernando's citizens from place to place.   I thought it was bright, colorful and quaint at the same time.

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