Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Fall Reflections by California Artist Marian Fortunati

"The greater danger for most of us is notthat our aim is too high and we miss it,
but that it is too low and we reach it."
- Michelangelo

Fall Reflections
© Marian Fortunati
9" x 9" Oil on Gessoed Hardboard


I decided to simplify my art-related goals for 2011, but I still want to keep them challenging enough to make me aim high while allowing me to smile my way along the journey.

I've decided to focus on these goals for 2011.

  • Increase my painting skills though continual daily painting.
  • Study regularly with a high level plein air and studio artist so that I regularly can take plein air studies to make larger, studio pieces.
  • Paint en plein air AT LEAST three times a month.
  • Sketch or draw at least weekly.
  • Continue exhibiting in "La Galeria Gitana" and seek other appropriate venues to exhibit my work.
  • Show in appropriate venues that will enable me to expand my collector base.
  • Sell 50% more paintings (and make more $) than in 2010.
I don't know if I'll achieve all of these goals, but nothing ventured... nothing gained.   Wish me luck!

The second day of Leslie's workshop was another great day.  It was fun getting to know some of the other artists as we chatted while painting and during lunch.  Again we worked with intense color and glorious reflections.  Leslie showed us more ways to hold and use the knife to get different effects.  In addition, she showed us how she will work into a painting after the initial block in to provide just the right amount of information making the painting interesting and readable.  I think it's one of the reasons her work is so striking. 

The day finished with a fun activity where everyone in the class played a kind of musical chairs to create a painting all together.  As a medly of Beach Boys songs played, we were each given a photo of one of Leslie's paintings.  We mixed paint, sketched the painting and began to paint as we moved from one easel to the next.  The painting on the left is the group painting of a sunflower.   We laughed the whole time, but it did force us to evaluate drawing, color, values and texture without being bound by the emotions of "ownership".  Another great day!   Contact me by clicking HERE if you would like more information about "Fall Reflections"  

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