Saturday, January 22, 2011

Sailing Santa Cruz by California Artist Marian Fortunati

CLICK on the link above for more information about "Sailing Santa Cruz"

Today is the first day this week that I haven't been out doing something art-related.    Instead I've been in all day doing art-related paperwork for one of my clubs on which I serve as a board member.  Ugh... I hate paperwork.

For quite a while during the last few wet and cold weeks I pined inside to get out and paint and this week I was outside painting two days, doing art club business on another day and I went to see the Los Angeles Fine Art Dealers Association Show at the LA Convention Center yesterday.  I missed the FADA show last year because it was pouring rain and I was otherwise occupied.  Some said it wasn't as "good".  However I was inspired by the beautiful paintings... the Wendts, the Paynes, the Puthoffs...  So many beautiful pieces of art.  And there is NOTHING like seeing them up close and personal.  No photo can compare.   I really had a nice time at the show.

I also have been painting a lot in my studio at home.  So.... WHAT should I post??  I have two plein air sketches, a small studio piece I worked on last week and another larger piece that I worked on but need to do some more work on.   Hmmmmm..

I guess I'll start with the "oldest" first.  This is a scene I painted from a photo of our Channel Islands Trip.  There are many safe harbors on the "inside" coast of Santa Cruz Island.  I'm not entirely sure, but I THINK this one is Frye's Harbor.  And here is another sailboat bobbing peacefully in the gorgeous warm sunshine of a beautiful September day.

When I first painted the boat, the bottom felt too "flat" so upon advice, I've added some tones to make it appear to round out a bit.  It may still need a bit more.  But I was rather proud of my rock cliff.   They say the more you paint, the better you get.   Well that's what they say anyhow.

I hope you enjoy it.

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