Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Tapia by Southern California Artist Marian Fortunati

Tapia© Marian Fortunati
11"x14" Oil on RayMar Canvas

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I always enjoy paint outs.  I get to spend the day with fellow artists in a beautiful spot.   Often it's a place I haven't visited before.  On Wednesday a group from the California Art Club met at Tapia State Park.  I have painted there several times before but each time was at a different time of the year and  each time it looks different.

I drove to the park with my friend, Sharon Weaver.  She is a wonderful painter who also likes to get an early start.  We arrived before the other painters and she quickly settled in and found her spot.  I just couldn't find a scene that inspired me.  It's not that there weren't lots of pretty spots, it's just that I couldn't settle on something. 

Finally after walking all over, and long after many of the others had arrived and set up, I went into the dry part of the creek bed and looked  toward a stand of young sycamore trees and other leafless trees and the Santa Monica Mountains.   My favorite part of the painting is the sandy trail.   Perhaps the groupings of the sycamores could have been arranged more rhythmically, but generally I was happy with the overall look.

The weather was warm and beautiful.  I got a little chance to talk with friends over lunch.  It was a great day.

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