Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Twisted Sycamores by Southern California Artist, Marian Fortunati

Twisted Sycamores
© Marian Fortunati
8" x 10" Oil on RayMar Panel
One of the goals I set for 2011 was:

  • Study regularly with a high level plein air and studio artist so that I regularly can take plein air studies to make larger, studio pieces.
In order to meet that goal, I decided to take David Gallup's regular advanced painting class.  The class works en plein air as well as in the studio creating larger pieces.   I am hoping to learn some of David's wonderful color theory along the way.  I'd also like to learn how to look for unusual compositions when developing a painting.   I'd like to learn to use brushstrokes to help tell the story of a painting.   I'd like to develop better skills with edges especially since during our Channel Islands trip David told me that was the skill I needed to work on the most.  For me however, most of all, I would really love to learn how to better evaluate my own work...  Find what doesn't work and fix it...  When I like it... understand WHY I like it.

David's Class
I've enjoyed two classes so far and look forward to many more.   I've begun a larger studio piece inspired by a small plein air seascape study.   Last week the weather had turned lovely so we painted outside in a place I've never painted.  I love going to new places.  We went to Point Magu State Park and the drive up the coast above Malibu was beautiful.  Check out the map on the left side to see where it was.

I had a great time painting.  The other painters in the class are wonderful and I am looking forward to getting to know each of them.   We all found our "spots" and began to paint.  David came over after I started out to check my start and give me the okay.  He came over several times during the day to give me pointers and I went over to watch him several times as well.

He was painting a patch of tiny ferns in the shade -- something I would never have considered painting.  Of course his painting turned out wonderfully and was so unique.  I focused on the sinuous lines of the long sycamore branches.   I tried to get the values right, but think I didn't put enough contrast in the work.   Dave encouraged me to use more color choices rather than my limited palette.  He said it allowed you to mix a wider variety of colors of the same value so that you can overlay the strokes and create interest for the viewer's eyes.  He reminded me that the joy of any painting is not in explicitly telling the viewer WHAT to see but by creating a painting th
at will allow the viewer to wander through the painting and bring his/her own meaning to it.

The painting above is my first plein air effort from the class.  I have much to learn and I'm looking forward to it.  Please click on the link above or HERE if you would like to purchase this painting.

Opening at La Galeria Gitana

Some of you wanted to see photos from the show opening last night.  I forgot to take many because I was having too much fun.  I did ask a friend to take a couple of photos, though.  One of my paintings sold last night and I'm hopeful that a couple more will find homes before the show is over in March.

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