Wednesday, February 9, 2011

A Quickie by California Artist Marian Fortunati

Limekiln Creek Study
© Marian Fortunati
6"x8" Oil on RayMar Canvas Panel
On Friday a week ago, my friend, Diane Nelson-Gold, called me up to see if I wanted to join her painting.   I was down at Gelson's enjoying my "reward" part of my regular walk from my house and back.   I'm sure the calories in my "reward" are far higher than those burned up when I walk the almost four mile round trip down the hill and back up, but I always love my bagel and cream cheese.  ... And anyway the walk can't hurt.

Since I was down the hill, I still had to walk back up before I started out, but I quickly headed home to get my painting gear and then drove out headed across the valley to paint with her in Limekiln Canyon near her home.  We have a mutual friend, Beth Summers, who paints there with her palette knife often.  I've been intrigued ever since seeing Beth's colorful paintings and have wanted to paint there, so despite the very short time frame, I went.  It was a lovely area. 

I only had about an hour and a half before having to pick up Tyler, so after walking in with Diane, we settled on a spot near the creek and I began to block in my little 6x8.   Time flew by.   Knowing that the plein air police wouldn't care, I finished it up later while listening to the Super Bowl....  Does that make it a super study???  LOL

Contact me HERE if you are interested in purchasing this small painting. 

There were many other people in the area enjoying the beautiful weather and scenery but we were having fun just painting.  I had to leave before finishing but I think it will be a place I'd like to go back to.   You can see my sketch above.   I imagine that Diane may have posted hers as well.

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