Monday, June 13, 2011

Sunset Anchorage - A Sailboat, Seascape, Skyscape by Marian Fortunati

Sunset Anchorage
Click This Link for more information

© Marian Fortunati
10" x 8" Oil on RayMar Panel

It must be restaurant week! 
One opportunity was one I had chased and another opportunity fell into my lap... but I just had to take advantage of both!  

La Casita - San Fernando
Monday morning I will deliver 13 paintings to Karen Nichols for La Casita Restaurant in San Fernando.  Karen is the director / curator at La Galeria Gitana where I've been fortunate to participate in several group shows over the last few years.  In an effort to bring even more art and culture to the beautiful little city in the north east corner of the San Fernando Valley, Karen and Mr. Aszkenazy, the owner of the gallery space and a great San Fernando supporter and developer, are hanging paintings in many of the restaurants around town.  Most of the paintings I'm delivering tomorrow were in previous shows at La Galeria Gitana, but a few of them are new work.   I'm very pleased to share more of my work with new viewers.  -- Thanks, Karen!

Louise's Trattoria - Studio City
I took quite a few paintings to the other side of the valley last Friday.   (See my last blog post)  Most of the 20 paintings that I have hanging at Louise's Trattoria were favorites of mine that were older.   I thought I had framed too many, but it turns out I'll probably have to go back next week to put some more work up as there was more wall space than I had imagined.  Between preparing for each of these two restaurants I did a LOT of framing and the necessary "non-art" art stuff.  It's amazing how much time and effort that takes!

Both venues do include a few examples of my newer work.  In fact, I just painted this small sunset boat scene which is now hanging near the front of Louise's Trattoria.   I was trying to include many smaller paintings which might be attractive to potential collectors.   I had quite a bit of fun with my palette knives on this one!

If I Hang Them, Will They Look?
My husband tells me that people go to restaurants to eat and that they don't look at paintings on the wall.  He's usually right, but in this case, I hope he's wrong.  I always look, but then I like art.   Time will tell if any of Louise's or La Casita's customers do anything more than eat.

I've got my fingers crossed.  At this point I can't think of anything else to do.  Can you?

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