Thursday, August 11, 2011

Mugu - A Plein Air Southern California Coastal Scene by Marian Fortunati

© Marian Fortunati
Oil on Canvas Panel

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There's really very little that is more fun than discovering a beautiful scene with friends.   My painter friends, Sharon Weaver and Diane Nelson-Gold, joined me for a trip up the coast to Point Mugu.  Although I had been there to paint before, I hadn't walked behind the "no trespassing" signs that block off the old section of the Pacific Coast Highway which had fallen off into the sea. 

When we arrived we all hiked around a bit enjoying the warm sun and the beautiful brilliant green-blue of the sea.  It was quite spectacular!  We'd gone up in the late afternoon thinking we might catch a gorgeous and unusual sunset, but the time of year and clear sky weren't in our favor.  I eventually ended up back out on the point despite the strong wind which was threatening to tear me and my painting equipment off the side of the cliff.  Diane painted on the sand and Sharon painted from up in the parking lot.  She actually had a good idea as several beachgoers approached her about purchasing paintings, so she was able to pass out several of her cards.   You never know when you'll get a new collector!

But there I was, clinging to my hat and my easel and hoping I wouldn't slip down the side of the cliff.  My spot wasn't much good for marketing, but it sure was an incentive to paint quickly and get out of there!!  I just LOVED the view.   As I painted, I tried to keep David Gallup's advice in mind regarding creating paths of like-value and using beautiful color and interesting texture which the eye could follow through the painting.   Painting outside is often uncomfortable ... sometimes too hot... sometimes too windy... sometimes the bugs are unbearable... sometimes it's freezing cold...  But always ---- just always ---- it's a GREAT experience!!!

It was really fun creating this quick painting.   As soon as I was satisfied with my little painting though, I gathered my equipment, hurried back to the car,  put on a sweater and found another spot in a more protect area to paint.   I painted another small one before we left.  I am really happy I captured the strength of Mighty Mugu before the wind swept me away.

I liked this scene so much just might try to make a larger version --- which will take a bit longer, of course.

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