Monday, August 15, 2011

Splash Point -- A Southern California Coastal Oil Painting by Marian Fortunati

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There's really very little that is more fun than discovering a beautiful scene with friends.   My painter friends, Sharon Weaver and Diane Nelson-Gold, joined me for a trip up the coast to Point Mugu.

This was the second plein air painting I did that afternoon.   Earlier I had been sitting out on the edge of a cliff being buffeted and chilled by strong winds but for this one, I found a more protected viewpoint and tried to capture the pounding surf hitting the rocks a few yards further north.   I always think about various artists as I paint.  Vic Riseau's lovely colored "white" sea foam came to mind.  And always David Gallup's advice about beautiful color and interesting texture.

The day was perfect and seemed to inspire me to paint my best.

I  might try to make a larger version of this scene also .... I was pretty happy with both plein air pieces I painted that lovely afternoon at Point Mugu.

Today (August 15th) is my 40th wedding anniversary.  My husband, Gastone, and I were married in Venice, Italy.   What a fairy-book tale.   If you want to read about our LOVE STORY, click on the link.

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