Sunday, September 25, 2011

Painted Cave - Santa Cruz Island Painting and Kayak Adventure by Marian Fortunati

Painted Cave
© Marian Fortunati
10"x8" Oil on RayMar Panel

Click on the link above for
details and Pay Pal info.

The second day of our trip was spent anchored in front of Painted Cave, on the largest island of the Park, Santa Cruz.  One of the largest and deepest sea caves in the world, Painted Cave, is found on the northwest coastline of Santa Cruz. Named because of its colorful rock types, lichens, and algaes, Painted Cave is nearly a quarter-mile long and 100 feet wide, with an entrance ceiling of 160 feet and a waterfall over this entrance in the spring.

Just as he had last year, Captain Jerry thrilled us all by motoring the 85 foot dive boat right into the mouth of the cave (SEE LAST YEAR'S POST).   - A totally amazing experience.    This year, however, we anchored the boat in front of the cave and had the entire day to kayak into the cave and around the cave.   Some snorkeled.  Some painted from the boat while others painted from their kayak.

 Close up of cave painting

I kayaked into Painted Cave.  I found the experience thrilling but a bit frightening as the surges were intense each time they swept into the mouth of the huge sea cave.   After exploring inside as far as I dared, I paddled around to the north of the cave and found other beautiful but smaller caves.   One was sort of a tunnel.  As you entered you could see the light from under the water and sometimes from actual "air" as the water swirled around between the Siamese twin caves.   The whole day was a bit of heaven on earth!

Motoring into the mouth of
Painted Cave
Me looking up from the bow
of the Concepcion
Looking out from inside Inside Painted Cave
Light peeking through Another cave "mouth"

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