Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Meandering - by Marian Fortunati

© Marian Fortunati
14" x 18" Oil on Canvas Panel

  Click on the above link for
additional details.

How This Painting Came To Be
In late November I spent some time driving between Bakersfield and Santa Barbara.  I had dropped my grandson off with my son for a few days of fun up at the Kern River, and I wanted to meet the rest of the family in Santa Barbara.   It was a calming and lovely drive and I saw some of the less seen and beautiful open spaces in Southern California between the rich farm and dairy lands near Bakersfield and the patches snowy mountainsides in the Los Padres National Forest on the way through Ojai.   I believe this is a little stretch of the Sespe River which becomes a bit wilder as it leaves the canyon on its way down the mountain.  It was a long ride and I  loved being able to stop often to soak in and simply enjoy my beautiful state.

I painted this piece during some evenings and days when I was home from the hospital and / or my Dad's house, using reference photos and visual memories that wouldn't leave my mind.   The process soothed me.
My Dad
Those of you who have followed my blog know that my life has had its ups and downs lately.   After my father's illness and death, I heard from several of you who shared your grief about losing loved ones recently as well.   I think that sharing the grief is one way we all relieve the pain.   I thank you all for your kind thoughts, words and feelings AND for sharing your own stories.  I think we become stronger and more aware of our place in the world by sharing -- even sharing the pain.

Looking Ahead
In contrast to the sadness of loss, I have been buoyed by the expectation of a new grandson.  My Dad had hoped to meet him in this world but I'm sure he'll enjoy getting to know him in some way.   The little guy is taking his time.  He was due yesterday, but he's holding out.  I'll let you know all about it when he arrives.

Wonderful Events
I also had a wonderfully successful opening of my one woman show in San Marino, "One Lucky Artist".   We had a fabulous time.  I got to meet and talk with so many interesting and fascinating people.  I saw friends from different parts of my life, and even met a FB friend in person.  I will post some photos from the show in a future post.  I was  thrilled that four of the paintings in the show were sold at the opening reception.   If you were not able to make it yet to the exhibit and sale, the work will be up at the gallery until April 20.   You may also look online.   Contact me if you are interested in purchasing any of the remaining paintings.    CLICK HERE.

To revive my spirits, I decided to submit the only painting (besides the 30 little ones I did for my daughter's baby shower) to the VAG Gold Medal Exhibition take-in last Sunday.   I was blown away by the quality and quantity of the work submitted.   The poor juror, Mark Wood, had to jury out 40 paintings...  It was tough!!    Happily both of my submissions were juried in.  (YAY)

(Meandering)   (Caballero Canyon Sycamore) were my entries and will be showing at the Venice Arts Gallery until the end of the month.  The reception is this Saturday and I'm sure it will be terrific.  I am guessing (hoping) I'm going to be up in Santa Barbara welcoming my new grand baby, so I probably won't be at the reception, but I hope you can make it.   There will me lots of fabulous art (over 80 paintings and sculptures) and so many fine people there.
You are invited to an art exhibition. 
Two of my landscapes were juried in!
Reception:  Saturday, March 10th  5:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Venice Arts Gallery
1702 Lincoln Blvd.
Venice,  CA  90291
Gallery Hours:  Mon. - Fri.  10:00 am - 5:00 pm
Evenings &  Saturday:  by appointment

Exhibition Dates:  March 5 - March 31, 2012
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