Thursday, May 31, 2012

La Vendemmia - A Figurative Oil Painting by Marian Fortunati

La Vendemmia
© Marian Fortunati
11" x 14" Oil on Linen

Click on the link above
for additional details.


I keep telling myself that I'm going to stop painting just for shows.   I mean there is never any guarantee that your paintings will be juried in and then you're usually stuck with paintings you probably wouldn't have painted otherwise.  On the plus side, however, sometimes painting things that are not your usual "thing" can stretch you and help you extend your skills.   I have quite a few cityscapes that I painted for two different shows and while most of them didn't sell, they HAVE led to some very interesting new opportunities.

I have to admit, that I did enjoy painting this one.   There was a show coming up that I wanted to submit to.   The theme is "The Farmer's Market~from Field to Farm, Market to Table".   Initially, I didn't think I had anything I could submit, so I began to search my files for ideas.   I came up with a few paintings I was pretty happy with.  Then it occurred to me that I had another painting already that I could submit and since you could submit three images for the same price, I figured... what the heck.. why not? 

Happily I got a notice the other day that two of my paintings were accepted.  But only one of the paintings was one that I painted specifically for the show.  Luckily this painting and my last minute inspiration were both juried in.

I started this painting by toning the whole canvas in raw umber and then rubbed out the areas that were the lighter areas of the painting.  Since the figures of the man and his donkey were the focus of the painting, that's what I concentrated on first trying not to noodle too much.  I liked this one and have always liked the other one they juried in:   Fresh Catch

If you are anywhere around SEGIL GALLERY on June 23,  please come by for the opening reception.
Segil Fine Art
110 West Lime Avenue
Old Town Monrovia, CA 91016
Phone: 626-358-5563
Hours: Tuesday-Saturday 1-6 pm
2012 Summer Show, “The Farmer’s Market~from Field to Farm, Market to Table”
Exhibition dates are June 23 through August 18, 2012.
Artist’s wine and hors d’oeuvres reception, Saturday, June 23, 5pm-7pm.

Hope to see you there.
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