Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Looking Inland by Marian Fortunati

Sharon Weaver and I were driving up the coast of California on our way to meet other artists in the California art Club at a paint out retreat in Tomales Bay, north of San Francisco.   We stayed in Half Moon Bay just south of San Francisco on our second night.

Sharon had contacted another artist named Kristen Olson whom she had met at one of her plein air events.  Kristen lives up near Palo Alto and she brought a friend, named Tara Norwood to paint along with us.  We initially had selected a place south of Half Moon Bay which looked nice in the fading light of the day, but it really wasn't where we wanted to paint when we saw it the next morning.  So off we went following the two more local artists to a place of their choosing just north of Half Moon Bay.

We had a delightful morning painting away.  Each of us painted something entirely different.  Although Sharon and I were each in different spots, for some reason, we both chose to face inland rather than painting the coast.  If you visit her website you'll probably see her version from her spot.

This was my painting called, "Looking Inland".

After we all packed up, we spent some time admiring one another's work then headed into town for a chatty lunch.  We spent our time getting to know one another and talking about the art world in our different parts of California.   It's always fun to make new friends.

(Just as an aside... Sharon and I both submitted the paintings from our first day of the trip to a local art exhibit. [See my last post.]  The paintings were totally different, but painted from about 20 feet apart.  Each painting was juried in AND Sharon's won a Best Of Show Award and my painting was awarded a FIRST PLACE!!   Wasn't that wonderfully seredipitous?)

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