Monday, November 12, 2012

Tomales Bay by Marian Fortunati

Tomales Bay 9x12 Oil on linen panel

The California Art Club arranged a paint-out retreat at the Marconi Center in Tomales Bay.  CAC Artist member, Richard Lindenberg and several other artists from the club worked hard to help organize this wonderful event for all of us.  Seventy-five or so artists gathered together to laugh, paint, exchange ideas and simply have a wonderful time together.  - Thanks to all of you!
I had never visited Tomales Bay and it was a real joy to be able to spend time doing what I love doing in a beautiful part of the world.  After a surprisingly winding and topographically varied drive through San Francisco to San Rafael and then toward the coast to get to the Marconi Center, Sharon and I checked in and wandered around the center to explore spots for future painting spots and to chat with those who had arrived earlier.  It was late afternoon and although there were artists painting everywhere, neither of us wanted to do more than settle in and explore.

We had a fun both at dinner and afterwards.  The food itself throughout the weekend was exceptional...  as well as plentiful.  The fact that it was delicious was especially deadly and I had to make sure I didn't eat everything I would have liked to eat.

This painting "Tomales Bay", is a plein air piece done on Saturday morning.   We had been told that there were several "good spots" with parking further south toward the mouth of the bay where the river empties into the bay.  Sharon and I drove around a bit and then decided on the spot we had seen a bit earlier.   We pulled off the road and began to paint.    Both of us liked the beautiful bright orange rust and ocher colors of the wetland area against the other colors in the water.  After about one-half hour we were joined by five or six other artists.  It was interesting.  We were all looking at the exact scene and yet each of us approached it differently and each painting turned out differently.  

It was a pleasant morning.  After a bit we headed back to the Center to hike around and chat with the other artists who were gathered together.  This fourth day of our road trip was starting out to be another great day!

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