Thursday, January 12, 2012

"Poppy Path" A Colorful California Landscape by Marian Fortunati

Every time I travel to across California, I am filled with a special joy when I see fields of flowers.   This pathway of poppies leads me right into a little bit of heaven.   I hope you will enjoy it the wide splash of color across the grassy field.

I was thrilled to learn that my painting, "Poppy Path" was juried in to the Buenaventura open show.  More than 400 paintings were entered into the show but the juror, Gary Lang, could only choose 80 paintings to hang.  Here is what he wrote after jurying the show:

“To all the artists who submitted artworks to the Buenaventura Gallery invitational it was truly an honor to witness your efforts first hand. Too many unique creative visions to curate into one exhibition. There was no true rejection, rather my attempt to select and reward an edge of the whole. In many cases I would overlook obvious talents in an effort to honor courage, vulnerability and risk as I have learned that none of us can afford to be too comfortable.  Every artist in this competition has merit, and 10 shows could have been curated from the work I looked at. 

Cudos to you all, and thank you for pitching your time honored projects to the public at your own expense. I get it, tip my hat to you all.”

Gary Lang

Perhaps I will see you at the reception if you are in the area.  If you can't make it on Saturday, please try to go by this lovely gallery before the show is over.

Perhaps I will see you at the reception if you are in the area.  If you can't make it on Saturday, please try to go by this lovely gallery before the show is over.

     Poppy Path
     © Marian Fortunati
16"x20" Oil on Canvas Panel

                                 Click on the above link for additional details.

 Best of Show, 2011 Open Competition
by Laurel Murray-Joleaud

25th Annual Open Competition
Buenaventura Gallery

January 10 - 28, 2012

Reception & Awards:
Saturday, January 14

4 - 7 pm

The Annual Competition brings artists from all over the county competiting for cash prizes and other awards.

700 E. Santa Clara,
Ventura, CA 93001
• 805.648.1235

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